Friday, February 27, 2009

First thing I did when I got to my grandparents.



But what surprised me was as soon as I had my meal prepared I asked my gramma if we had salsa.
I'm surprised I didn't ask for a corn tortilla on the side.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"I like your face"

Eric has always warned me about making my faces. Especially my dangerously creepy ones, because according to him I have a tendency to make those kind of faces at boys. I don't know what he's thinking. Making wierdly flirtatious faces at members of the opposite sex is nothing like me. Especially when I am struggling to speak in a foreign language and have to communicate somehow. My face holds no character or expressiveness.

Anyways, besides that rant...

Today I had another Choir Concert. We have been performing non-stop for the Anniversary of Benemérito. (Yes, Mexicans KNOW how to celebrate). We have sung the same songs so many times that today I decided to spice it up a bit. I've always been expressive when I sing, but I've tried to be more careful about that here 1) because I don't know the words and can't say them fast enough so I don't need to attract any attention to myself 2) because I don't know what the words mean so I don't want to express the wrong emotion and 3) because I'm already the white, gringa and attract plenty of attention.

So today, Sixth semester kids came and so I saw some of my friends. They screamed my name and "Macoy" :) all things that made me giggle anyways, but then, for some bizarre reason that comes from the fact that I am me....I started making faces. By the end of the concert I had EVERYONE's eyes on me. Not an exaggeration. They were laughing so loud and I just laughed with them. I've now solidified the fact that I am a little bit crazy. I guess they had to figure out some time.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Orange Roofs

I live in Casa 17. The house next door is Casa 15. As I was walking home from Choir today I noticed how the roofs of all the houses are different colors. Then I noticed how Casa 15 and Casa 17 have almost the same color orange. That made me laugh. What a good color to choose to duplicate: Pumpkin Orange.

When I got home I started working on laundry, putting our clothes out on the clothesline to dry and I saw a boy from my ward that I had officially met on Sunday. He called me over, so I quickly finished hanging up the clothes and ran over to say hello. He had scissors in his hand, so I was a little suspicious.

"¿Puedes cortar mi pelo?"
He held up the scissors and said "Mi cabello!"

I refused. Afraid of what I could or would do to it. So we started started talking. We talked for Two and a Half hours. In Spanish.

Let me repeat: In Spanish. How Miraculous. I know that I have had help with that one. Today marks 4 weeks exactly since I arrived, and what a blessing this has been and I know will be for me. I was able to talk to him about the church, about my testimony, about my trials here, about Erin. I even convinced him to commit to serving a mission and marry in the temple. I left the conversation elated.

I had to run home though, because I was afraid that I wouldn't have enough time to go to the library and finish my homework before 6:30 curfew. I ran in through the backdoor and without making eyecontact with anyone, just heading straight to my room. As I shoved opened the door, I nearly murdered my roommate. Then I looked closer at her. I had never seen her before. I didn't think I hit her that hard.

"Ay, Perdon." I exclaimed.
"No te preocupes." Then she looked at me closer. Those few awkward seconds seemed to last a lifetime. I closed the door and RAN.

Mortified. Chased by trails of laughter.

As I opened my bedroom door, I could't help but laugh out loud at how stupid I'd been. Caro walked out of the bathroom with a really confused look on her face. Honestly, I was just happy it was her face and not mystery woman. Dumb orange roofs.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day Traditions

--Balloons. Balloons, Balloons, Balloons. I think that they must consider balloons the most romantic thing in the world. And this little anime type cow and the tazmanian devil are the most popular images. Kiss Me Now.
--Posters on the Houses and Classrooms. They do this for birthdays too. The process is to cut out as many cute letters and stars and hearts as you can and somehow laminate them.
--Only give to one person. If you give to too many people, you are either a loner who is trying to make friends or you are a player. (I made this mistake.)
--Households of Boys come and bring their five guitars and serenade you at 7:30 in the Morning. I actually enjoyed that one, besides the fact that I smelled like Morning Breath.
--Actually Hug. Valentines Day is the only occassion where people actually hug to greet each other. Every other day is the kiss on the cheek thing. It caught me by surprise when someone went to hug me. (Side Note: I have definitely learned to appreciate hugs now that I don't get them. ever. :)
--Mexicans are Gifts People. If you really put your time into doing something, even if it's like a little slip of paper that says "Te Quiero," it means the world.


Friday, February 13, 2009

Saturday, February 7, 2009

This One is For Joshua Carpenter

I am sorry for ever making fun of you for not wearing shoes. That's all I ever hear down here. "Zapatos....Zapatos!!...ZAPATOS!!!" So, I apologize.

Other oddities for your enjoyment:
-The most played song in Casa 17 is "Womanizer," in close second "Hot N Cold." (Third is "I'm that's okay)
-We had eggs for breakfast this morning :) With peas in them...:\
-They have finally limited my time on the computer. Ten minutes per email.
-I woke up in the middle of the night last night from a nightmare. Recognized the painted white brick wall from my house and was suddenly at peace

P.S. Good Luck to all those in GUYS N DOLLS <3

Friday, February 6, 2009

Officially a Gringa

I was called a gringa for the first time today. I've been called blanca. New Girl. Even gordita. But now, I have been officially marked as the gringa on campus. Just thought you should know:)

(Good News: I got 20/20 on my first Unit Exam! In Econ!!!)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

21...How about 17?

I am SO excited. When I came to Benemérito, I was told that it was a missionary oriented school, but I had no idea how missionary oriented. Apparently for one week of the school year, they give older students the opportunity to spend one week living like a missionary.

My seminary teacher mentioned it yesterday to the class and I didn't really understand what he was talking about. He was speaking only to the guys so I didn't really pay much attention. Then when he started asking for volunteers and only a few people raised their hands I started asking questions. I thought that was SO awesome that they gave boys that opportunity. Then I asked Viri if we could do it to. So when he asked again, my hand shot in the air. Some of the boys around me gave me odd looks, but then after I signed my name on the paper confirming that I would do it the other boys started standing up and signing their names too :).

As I enquired more about it, I found out that you live for one week (in April--so I'll have my Spanish down), somewhere in Mexico, you have a companion and you live the missionary life. I don't know much more, but I've never been more excited. Now if I get married before I turn 21, I'll still have served a mission :). Plus, this will probably do for Mr. Fisher, in place of the Senior Project. I am certainly "getting my hands dirty," but if I'm serving the Lord while doing it, what could be better.

P.S. Very off topic, but I recieved my first gift from a mexican admirer: A Rubik´s cube.

Monday, February 2, 2009

You're Always in My Heart

So I've finished another weekend at Gramma and Grampa's.  And this time I was a little bit spoiled.  I got to email, chat with, webcam and talk on the phone to so many of you that I miss terribly.  Honestly, it helped with the homesickness.  But now I have to make it a month.  I really am getting more comfortable here.  The girls are so nice and helpful.  But now begins the test of my true strength.  And the measure of my faith and reliance of the Lord.  I am happy.  And I am loved.  Now I must lose myself and go to work.  <3

Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men.  Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.  2nd Nephi 31:20