Monday, May 25, 2009

Following Claire's Example

I was asked to sing a solo in Stake Conference (I pretty much get asked to sing for EVERYTHING. It will be a pretty rude awakening when I get home and I remember that my best friends and my younger sisters are one thousand times better than me. Actually, not a rude awakening. An amazing blessing.)
I wanted to sing I Know That My Redeemer Lives, but the arrangement I had picked up, the director ended up robbing to have the choir sing. Not a big deal. It just gave me five days to find a song.
My mother who has been so helpful every step of the way quickly sent me any arrangements she could find that would work in Spanish. As I sang them for the director, she chose the one that my darling and talented little sister had sung just weeks earlier "Mando A Su Hijo."
I was kind of nervous about singing in Spanish, especially because I memorized the words the night before as I was drifting off to sleep, but as we practiced that morning, all my nerves went away, and the choir was amazed by the beautiful arrangement.
The closing prayer was said to end an amazing conference (Let me remind myself one more time how BLESSED I am. Of all the millions of people in this world, I was chosen to have this experience. I love the Lord.) And I was handed the microphone at the top of the bleachers (it was in the gym...that's how big our stake is). As the rest of the choir sat, I remained standing, obviously calling attention to myself, and then proceeded to very, very awkwardly stumble down the bleachers. The mike wasn't on at first, but as soon as it was, the room went quiet and all eyes turned to me. Because I was singing postlude, the people who were getting up to leave, stopped right in front of me and turned.
I don't think I have ever been so nervous.
And then, there is this tendency in Mexican culture to videotape everything. In the middle of Stake Conference, everyone who was listening to me sing, pulled out their cell phone and pointed it right at me. I'll admit it was something I wasn't prepared for. However, God blessed me to bring his Spirit and I was able to follow in my sister's example.


  1. You should get a copy of someones video... I'd love to see it! way to go Rach!

  2. Hey!! You may not remember me, and if you don’t I totally understand…we only talked for a few seconds. I attended the Bene last year as a sophomore and then went back during the anniversary of this year. I met you in the English hall with Isaac. A few days ago I was looking on the internet to see if I could find out anything about my old friends. That's when I stumbled across your page. I just wanted to thank you for writing all these events down. It helps me stay connected with a great school. Well I hope you enjoy your last days down there. (Oh and don’t worry about the dating thing, when I was down there people thought it was so weird that I wouldn’t date until I was sixteen. And not very many people believe in group dating either)
    -Maya Yerman-
