I live in Casa 17. The house next door is Casa 15. As I was walking home from Choir today I noticed how the roofs of all the houses are different colors. Then I noticed how Casa 15 and Casa 17 have almost the same color orange. That made me laugh. What a good color to choose to duplicate: Pumpkin Orange.
When I got home I started working on laundry, putting our clothes out on the clothesline to dry and I saw a boy from my ward that I had officially met on Sunday. He called me over, so I quickly finished hanging up the clothes and ran over to say hello. He had scissors in his hand, so I was a little suspicious.
"¿Puedes cortar mi pelo?"
He held up the scissors and said "Mi cabello!"
I refused. Afraid of what I could or would do to it. So we started started talking. We talked for Two and a Half hours. In Spanish.
Let me repeat: In Spanish. How Miraculous. I know that I have had help with that one. Today marks 4 weeks exactly since I arrived, and what a blessing this has been and I know will be for me. I was able to talk to him about the church, about my testimony, about my trials here, about Erin. I even convinced him to commit to serving a mission and marry in the temple. I left the conversation elated.
I had to run home though, because I was afraid that I wouldn't have enough time to go to the library and finish my homework before 6:30 curfew. I ran in through the backdoor and without making eyecontact with anyone, just heading straight to my room. As I shoved opened the door, I nearly murdered my roommate. Then I looked closer at her. I had never seen her before. I didn't think I hit her that hard.
"Ay, Perdon." I exclaimed.
"No te preocupes." Then she looked at me closer. Those few awkward seconds seemed to last a lifetime. I closed the door and RAN.
Mortified. Chased by trails of laughter.
As I opened my bedroom door, I could't help but laugh out loud at how stupid I'd been. Caro walked out of the bathroom with a really confused look on her face. Honestly, I was just happy it was her face and not mystery woman. Dumb orange roofs.